OXO Microfibre Spray Mop Replacement Pad
Product number: 46548
If the pad on your OXO Microfibre Spray Mop is starting to look a little old and worn, this Replacement Pad will soon have it picking up dust and dirt the way it did when you first bought it. And it’s machine washable, too, so you can throw it in the wash once it’s done its job, ready for next time you come to use it.
Lifetime manufacturer’s guarantee.
About OXO
Established by Sam Farber on the principle of universal design, versatility is in the OXO name, literally – the name was chosen because it reads the same regardless of whether it is written horizontally, vertically, upside down or backwards!
OXO aims to question the status quo, designing products which make everyday tasks that little bit easier, irrespective of age, gender, or whether you’re right or left-handed. Today OXO offers over a thousand products which have a tangible impact on the ease of everyday life.
Product dimensions
44 x 18cm.
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